Fright Club Podcast

Hope Madden, Film Maker, Horror Boss, Writer and contributor to INCUBATE: A Horror Collection of Feminine Power invited me to be a guest on the killer podcast she hosts with her partner George Wolf. It just the opportunity I needed to watch some new movies, focus on some horror besides my own, and talk about Ethan Embry and Nick Cage.

And the Novella is…

I am so excited to introduce you to side of the art world you've never seen, and the men who inspired some of the greatest masterpieces the world has ever seen and the greatest masters to have ever descended into despair.

An Author by any other name…

Pen Names : I never have been able to contain myself into one space, one world, one idea or one genre. I want to write what I want to write whether it's an epic saga or a quick dark jab to the heart, but I want to be considerate to the people who graciously allow me to tell them my stories.

Cover Teaser for Spec Pub’s YULE

River Eno is finally getting her passion project, a collection of stories of magik and mythology for the pagan holiday of Yule. This small collection is going to be absolutely gorgeous with stories, spells and symbols packed into its pages and it will be available for the holidays.

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